notch is an ensemble art collective who produce events where the production of food, act of dining, and performance of hospitality are experienced as discursive practices. Highjacking the formal conditions of catering, a dinner party, cocktail lounge, and so on, notch expands the political and social possibilities of an eating engagement by negotiating the tensions between alienated labor and luxury consumption. Selected projects, below.
notch includes Miles Ake, Sarah Beadle, David Bell, Joseph Berns, Eben Goff, Oliver Hess, Emily Marchand, Jaymee Martin, Satomi Nagata, Keith Pasko, Marcus Perez, Elyse Reardon-Jung, Ian Rosenquist, Roby Saavedra, Tiffany Smith, Sam Widaman, Eric Vrymoed, and David Zuttermeister.
notch has produced events and performed nationally at LA><ART, Los Angeles; Rochester Art Center, Rochester; Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, Omaha; MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles; Materials & Applications, Los Angeles; UAG at University of California, Irvine; Wight Gallery, University of California, Los Angeles; Carter and Citizen Gallery, Los Angeles; Queen’s Nails Projects, San Francisco; 18 Reasons, San Francisco; NTBA Gallery, Los Angeles.